Leaders at WBC, I want to equip you well. Here are a few blog resources for you that I found helpful this week. Thanks for serving at Westminster Baptist Church. I am praying for you.
Identity of Leaders: This article, by Mark Jobe, engages the heart of a leader in the regrets and discouragements of leading. The most impactful statement in the article to me is, “Pour generously into hungry leaders that will chase the vision with you.” The article is a great way for us to prepare for discipling others.
https://leadership.lifeway.com/2018/10/03/mentoring-and-the-story-of-elijah/ Leading Volunteers:
This is a powerful article. This statement is right on when it comes to healthy leadership, “One of the primary roles of any church is not simply to minister to people, but it is to equip everyone in the church to minister to others.” If you do everything yourself, you are a volunteer, not a leader.
Church Health: In this article, Paul Alexander of 9marks gives us 10 misnomers of church discipline with 10 correction from scripture.