The Joy of Leading

The calling that you have received is to make disciples. Disciples of Christ have eternal life. One joy of leading is the joy of seeing people find eternal life. When leadership gets tough, remember these 3 truths:
1. Eternal Life is Eternal
Life on earth is temporary and we cannot see past death, but we can have faith that after death we have life through Jesus Christ. Think about it, when you lead, you are making efforts to help people find life after death, and this life will not end.
2. Eternal Life is Secured
As Jesus led, He made it clear that He holds us and nothing will snatch us away from Him. Nothing (John 10:28). The joy of leading rests in the peace of knowing that Jesus has us, no matter what. Nothing you, or anyone else does, is greater than Christ love, mercy, and grace for those who have faith in Him.
3. Eternal Life is Quick
When leading really does get tough, remember that Heaven is near. Life can feel long, the days are short and the years are fast, but eternity is forever. Whether life feels fast, there is more in Christ for eternity. Whether life feels slow and painful, there is healing and freedom in Christ for eternity.
As you lead, remember that eternity is coming, and what you do on earth matters! The joy of serving is bound up in the truth of eternal life! Lead well.